A Day at The Gym

Today was a good day at the gym.  I was able to get a good workout on the machines.  I worked on chest, biceps, upper back, calf muscles, and shoulders. I spent one solid hour working on the machines and bench.  I realize I am no spring chicken and as much as I enjoy the treadmill it’s definitely taking its toll on my knees.  So, I will have to incorporate the elliptical machine and alternate between that and the bike. 

Do you remember riding the bike when you were a little kid?  Well, if you haven’t kept up the love for riding and it’s been thirty something years since you have been on a bike, you will have a rude awakening.

I tried the stationary bike in the gym and was only able to stay on it for less than one minute without getting cramps and muscles locking up.  Tomorrow I will stretch before trying the bike.  I want to be able to ride for at least thirty minutes. 

That’s not too much to ask for right? I didn’t think so.  I noticed my discipline is somewhat weak when it comes to my eating.  I know, I know, it is critical I get that under control so the hard work I put in the gym will not be in vain.  I am a work in progress, but aren’t we all?

If you are ever in the Mesquite area and want to work out at the Youfit Gym get in touch with me. I am very good at pushing myself.  However, there is something about it when you have two or more people who are trying to push each other and working toward the same goals.  It appears you push harder, at least I know I do. 


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